keith russell

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March 7, 2011 11:28 am

The FMCSA’s own data and reports verify that EOBRS have nothing to do with improving safety. The manufacturers of these devices are the one’s really pushing them – just follow the money trail. If any company wants to use EOBRs let them have at it, but to mandate such a device on a small operation will put that small operation at an even more cost disadvantage. People Net wants $1500 per device and $60 per month service fee. Small operations are already at a huge disadvantage with respect to fuel costs. We cannot come near the fuel discounts that the big boys get. EOBRS are a tool that should not be forced upon anybody unless they demonstrate that they cannot provide accurate and truthful logs and supporting documentation. Punish the offenders, but do not punish everyone!!

March 7, 2011 12:19 pm

Not only have there been problems in Europe, but in Canada with the speed limiters there have been instances where the ECM was damaged when an office plugged into the device. There are several court cases in Canada over this very matter. So, how do we know that an officer has the proper training or equipment to plug into our devices without causing damage to our devices or ECM? EOBRs are nothing more than another control mechanism that the governments wants to put on the population. What about our 4th Amendment Rights under the Constitution relative to Unreasonable Search and Seizure? The Federal Judge in MN recently ruled that MN’s Fatigue Profiling was unconstitutional based upon the 4th Amendment. Furthermore, these burdensome and invasive regulations are contrary to Obama’s… more »

…call for less burdensome and costly rules and regulations. EOBRs have nothing to do with safety – period end of story!!! « less
March 8, 2011 2:04 pm

Thanks for your comment, Keith. You say that FMCSA’s own data and reports verify that EOBRS have nothing to do with improving safety. Can you point out specifically what you are referring to?

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